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Table of Contents for Learning Node.js from Scratch

Module 3: Node.js Fundamentalsโ€‹

  • 3.1 The Node.js Runtime Environment
  • 3.2 Node.js Modules and the require System
  • 3.3 Using the Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • 3.4 Event-Driven Programming in Node.js
  • 3.5 File System Operations (fs module)
  • 3.6 Handling Errors and Exceptions
  • 3.7 Debugging Node.js Applications

Module 4: Building Web Servers with Node.jsโ€‹

  • 4.1 Creating Your First Node.js Server
  • 4.2 Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
  • 4.3 Routing and URL Handling
  • 4.4 Building RESTful APIs
  • 4.5 Working with Express.js
  • 4.6 Middleware in Express.js

Module 5: Asynchronous Programmingโ€‹

  • 5.1 Callbacks and Callback Hell
  • 5.2 Promises
  • 5.3 Async/Await
  • 5.4 The Event Loop and Concurrency
  • 5.5 Best Practices for Handling Asynchronous Operations

Module 6: Databases and Node.jsโ€‹

  • 6.1 Connecting to Databases (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL)
  • 6.2 Using an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) or Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • 6.3 CRUD Operations with Databases
  • 6.4 Securing Your Database Connection

Module 7: Authentication and Authorizationโ€‹

  • 7.1 User Authentication with Passport.js
  • 7.2 Managing User Sessions
  • 7.3 Role-Based Access Control
  • 7.4 Token-Based Authentication

Module 8: RESTful API Designโ€‹

  • 8.1 Design Principles for RESTful APIs
  • 8.2 Versioning and Documentation
  • 8.3 Handling Request Data (POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • 8.4 Handling Responses (Status Codes, JSON, Error Handling)

Module 9: Testing and Debuggingโ€‹

  • 9.1 Writing Unit Tests with Mocha and Chai
  • 9.2 Integration and End-to-End Testing
  • 9.3 Debugging Node.js Applications
  • 9.4 Performance Monitoring and Profiling

Module 10: Deployment and Scalingโ€‹

  • 10.1 Preparing Your Application for Production
  • 10.2 Deployment Strategies (e.g., Docker, PaaS)
  • 10.3 Load Balancing and Scaling Techniques
  • 10.4 Security Best Practices

Module 11: Building Real-World Applicationsโ€‹

  • 11.1 Project: Building a Chat Application
  • 11.2 Project: Building a Blogging Platform
  • 11.3 Project: Creating a RESTful API for a Mobile App

Module 12: Advanced Topicsโ€‹

  • 12.1 WebSockets and Real-Time Communication
  • 12.2 Serverless Computing with Node.js
  • 12.3 Using Microservices Architecture
  • 12.4 Exploring New Features in Node.js

Module 13: Conclusion and Next Stepsโ€‹

  • 13.1 Recap and Review of Key Concepts
  • 13.2 Resources for Ongoing Learning
  • 13.3 Building a Portfolio and Contributing to Open Source
  • 13.4 Becoming a Professional Node.js Developer

Table of Contentsโ€‹

  1. Node.js Express Tutorial

    • Introduction to Express.js
    • Setting up an Express.js Application
    • Routing in Express.js
    • Middleware in Express.js
    • Handling Form Data with Express.js
  2. Node.js MongoDB

    • Connecting Node.js to MongoDB
    • Performing CRUD Operations with MongoDB in Node.js
    • Working with Mongoose (MongoDB ODM) in Node.js
  3. Node.js MySQL

    • Connecting Node.js to MySQL
    • Performing CRUD Operations with MySQL in Node.js
    • Using Sequelize (MySQL ORM) with Node.js
  4. JSON Web Token Authentication with Node.js

    • Understanding Authentication and Authorization
    • Introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
    • Implementing JWT Authentication in Node.js
    • Securing Node.js APIs with JWT
  5. Node.js Express

    • Advanced Express.js Features
    • Error Handling in Express.js
    • Authentication and Authorization with Express.js
    • RESTful API Development with Express.js
  6. Node.js Interview Question

    • Commonly Asked Node.js Interview Questions
    • Best Practices in Node.js Development
    • Tips for Node.js Performance Optimization
    • Node.js Coding Challenges and Solutions

Table of Contentsโ€‹

Part 3: Node.js Basicsโ€‹

  1. Node.js Modules and require
  2. Working with npm (Node Package Manager)
  3. Handling Asynchronous Operations
  4. File System and Streams
  5. Events and Event Loop
  6. Error Handling in Node.js

Part 4: Web Development with Node.jsโ€‹

  1. Building a Simple HTTP Server
  2. Introduction to Express.js
  3. Routing and Middleware in Express.js
  4. Creating RESTful APIs with Express.js

Part 5: Advanced Node.js Conceptsโ€‹

  1. Using Template Engines
  2. Authentication and Authorization
  3. Data Persistence with Databases
  4. Security Best Practices in Node.js
  5. Testing and Debugging in Node.js
  6. Performance Optimization in Node.js
  7. Deployment and Scaling Strategies

Part 6: Additional Tools and Frameworksโ€‹

  1. Working with WebSocket in Node.js
  2. Integrating with Frontend Frameworks (React, Angular, etc.)
  3. Building Real-Time Applications with Socket.IO
  4. GraphQL and Apollo Server with Node.js

Part 7: Best Practices and Design Patternsโ€‹

  1. Design Patterns in Node.js
  2. Code Structure and Organization
  3. Logging and Monitoring
  4. Continuous Integration and Deployment

Part 8: Project and Real-World Applicationsโ€‹

  1. Building a Blogging Platform with Node.js
  2. Creating a RESTful API for a To-Do List Application
  3. Developing a Real-Time Chat Application
  4. Implementing a Microservices Architecture with Node.js

Part 9: Next Steps and Further Learningโ€‹

  1. Advanced Topics and Emerging Trends
  2. Community Resources and Support
  3. Recommended Books and Online Courses
  4. Career Opportunities and Freelancing with Node.js